Diesel Generator

Diesel Generator Virtual Training
Learn about how to start, stop and run a diesel generator.
Training Overview
Our diesel generator training module allows trainees to safely practice procedures to start, run and stop multiple diesel generators. This training enhances trainees understanding by providing access to digital twin locations to practice procedures and state diagnosis.
Learning Outcomes
The focus of this training is to teach and validate a trainee’s knowledge of the processes required for operating diesel generators on frigate vessels.
This module covers:
Prerequisite checklist
Static checks
Idle checks
Local and remote start
Local and remote running
Local and remote shutdown
Emergency scenarios
Lubricating oil tests
Coolant inhibitor checks
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Access to training without needing diesel generators in running states
Provides simulated equipment states and faults
Simulates emergency states
Integrate analytics and trainee performance into your LMS
Completed in under 30 minutes
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